Адреса: 61153, м. Харків, пр. Ювілейний, 52-А

Сотрудники оргметодотдела

The field of scientific activity of the department’s specialists is research on the organization of medical care for school-age children and adolescents in Ukraine and the development of scientifically-based proposals on topical issues of improving medical care for the younger generation.


According to the results of many years of research, a number of recommendations for its improvement have been developed. Among them: guidelines on organizational standards for conducting medical preventive examinations of children in rural areas; regulations of the work of a family doctor and technology assessment of its activities, which allow to improve the diagnosis and detection of diseases in children, to determine the completeness of coverage with dispensary observation, to improve the quality of medical care; provision on the functional responsibilities of medical and pedagogical staff of preschool school departments, boarding schools, orphanages; arrangements for medical support of preparing young men for military service; principles of functioning of day hospitals; medical support of adolescents in children's clinics; a handbook entitled “Standards of laboratory tests” has been published, which can be used in the practice of a family doctor, as well as doctors of other specialties.


The staff of the department provides scientific-practical conferences, symposia based on the institute on topical issues of physiology and pathology of adolescence and monthly seminars for school doctors, adolescent therapists with the involvement of chief freelance specialists of the city health administration, researchers of the IOZDP NAMS and other specialists institutions.


The scientists of the department, together with specialists from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, analyze indicators of the state of health and medical support for children and adolescents of Ukraine, issue a compilation, provide organizational and methodological assistance to health departments of regional state administrations for the purpose of treatment and preventive care for children.



Departmrnt head – Doctor Ph.
Tatyana Peresipkina
(0572) 62-31-27

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