Адреса: 61153, м. Харків, пр. Ювілейний, 52-А

Implementation of the main research directions possible to determine patterns of physical, sexual, mental development of children, shaping their health.
It is proved that in the early pubertal shape the accumulation of endogenous cytotoxic aldehydes, which leads to increased sensitivity of the brain and internal organs to the stress damage.
The mechanisms that cause disturbances in health children of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, which include changes in the melatonin biosynthesis.
Risk factors and progression of heart failure, designed a model of its progression.
Clarify the mechanisms of disorders of sexual development of obesity, diabetes mellitus type I and diffuse nontoxic goiter.
Risk factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of disorders of menstrual function, which became the basis for the development of new technologies to treat them.
First isolated and described the psychological phenomenon of internal picture of adolescent health.
A forecast of further flow of essential hypertension in adolescents with the circadian blood pressure profile, the nature of cardiac remodeling, endothelial dysfunction and lipid profile and the technology of treatment.
Technology developed to diagnose osteoarthritis in adolescents in the disease onset and justified treatment policy.
The way of neinvanzivnoy diagnosis of gastroduodenal diseases in adolescents with a new gas sensitive sensor based on salt TCNQ.
Suggest new prevention technologies and treatment of neurotic disorders in adolescents. Created the concept of deviant psychological prophylaxis and suicidal behavior in adolescents and Technology of Treatment and Prevention. Develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the differentiated complex medical and psychological rehabilitation of young children with impaired psychomotor development for use in the system of early intervention.
Technology developed to predict the effects of the factors of the school environment on the health of children in secondary schools. A program for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and school exclusion of pupils.
Proposed standards for dispensary work and technology follow-up of children countryside.

Only on the results of research in the last 10 years received:

  • 98 patents
  • 42 certificates of recognition
  • registered 59 new technologies
  • developed and implemented 35 medical recommendations
  • published 23 monographs, handbooks and manuals, as well as published 670 articles in professional journals


The Institute collaborates extensively with research institutions, NAS, NAMS, APN, MOH and MES.

Over the past 10 years, scientists at the Institute took part in the Ukrainian-Canadian project "Youth for Health", collaborated with the Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Hungary), the Early Intervention Institute (Sweden), Faculty of Education University of Northern Arizona (city Flagstoff , USA). Continued international cooperation with Clinic treatment and geographical medicine (Zurich, Switzerland), the Early Intervention Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) and the Kursk Institute of Social Education (Kursk, Russia).

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